Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon

In honor of Kevin Bacon's Birthday today - He is 50!

The baby chicks are proud to announce they are only 4 degrees from Kevin!!!!

Kevin Bacon
was in the movie End of the Line (1987) with Holly Hunter

Holly Hunter - 1st degree
was in the movie Home for the Holidays (1995) with extra's Bruce & Gesila Black

Bruce & Gisela Black - 2nd degree
Parents to Stephen Black, in-laws to the Chickens mom Davida

Stephen & Davida Black - 3rd degree

Chickens - 4th degree

This also means if YOU know us, you are also a 4th degree to Kevin Bacon!! If you only know the Chickens, you are a 5th Degree! :-)

Happy Birthday Kevin!

1 comment:

Fairlady said...

mmhmm so where are the latest updates. the last one was like a week ago. C'mon now.
and my website informs me that you have linked me haha, which is why i am here now.